CSIC-UIMP Master in
Molecular and Cellular Integrative Biology
Program Structure and Timing
Mcib will run during 3 academic semesters, starting in October until March of the second year. It comprises 90 ECTS credits, organized in 3 academic modules (60 ECTS) and a master research project (30 ECTS). Mcib boasts an innovative format in which the students will progress rapidly from intensive course instruction to research in their projects. Most of Mcib activities will be in English.
Calendars 2020-2021
Check each module below!
MODULE 1: Mcib FUNDAMENTALS (30 ECTS, semester 1)
M1A: Research Topics (15 ECTS)
M1B: Advanced Methods (10 ECTS)
M1C: Lab rotations (5 ECTS)
- Lecture series (M1A), state-of-the-art technologies (M1B) and journal club sessions covering the 4 core MCIB research programs:
- 3-4 one-week rotations in labs working on the 4 core research programs (M1AB).
MODULE 2: Mcib FRONTIERS (15 ECTS, semesters 1 and 2)
M2A: Seminars
M2B: Workshops
Series of specialized seminars (10), workshops (3) and journal club sessions covering advanced MCIB topics. Check the updated program here.
MODULE 3: Mcib EXTENSION (15 ECTS, semesters 1 and 2)
M3A: Scientific writing & oral presentation
M3B: Entrepreneurship
M3C: Dissemination
Lectures and workshops covering the following topics: (Check the updated program here)
How to write a scientific manuscript and give a seminar.
Entrepreneurship, innovation, intellectual property, etc. Creating a spin-off.
Dissemination and career development, science & society, etc. Writing a blog.
MODULE 4: Mcib MASTER RESEARCH PROJECT (30 ECTS, semesters 2 and 3)
The general interdisciplinary training provided by M1-M3 will be completed with a degree of specialization at the master research project (TFM). (For further information, click here)